Located in the heart of Tremont, (Cleveland, Ohio) you will find a sanctuary for all things floral along with a carefully curated selection of meaningful offerings for the self and home.

ORDER Flowers




Kate designs with a belief in sharing the healing power of flowers, and her shop is a soothing sanctuary that carries the same intentionality.

Her background as a fine artist and creative director are evident in the shop, starting with the grandiose, gallery-esque floral sculptures in the windows and continuing with the well curated experience inside. It is as if stepping inside Kate’s world and being immersed in the soft beauty with which she surrounds herself.

Flowers are the backbone of the space, and the intentionality behind Kate’s selections make her shop an entirely new experience. Seasonal and often locally sourced, Kate will continue the custom arrangements, wedding and event florals, and commercial work she’s become known for. In addition, she’ll offer market-style flowers available as take home bundles, and a unique, seasonally-driven, single-varietal subscription membership, which will display the breadth and abundance of the regional floral offerings over the course of the blooming season.

The care and attention continue to the mindfully curated selection of items, all perfect for pairing with flowers for the ultimate gift (to yourself, and of course others). Look forward to earthly delights found nowhere else in Cleveland and sourced from Kate’s favorite creators. Among the flowers you’ll find incense, candles, herbal apothecary, ceramics, ritual items, soaps, tarot, fine chocolate, and olive oils.

ORDER Flowers




Tuesday & Wednesday Studio Hours
Thursday & Friday 10a-6p
Saturday 10a-5p
Sunday & Monday Closed

2406 Professor Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44113